Our Services



Our biobank will host clinical biospecimens and genomes of people from many African ethnic groups underrepresented in ~omics research. We envision it will serve as the ultimate biospecimen resource center for  researchers interested in undertaking a wide range of medical  research, such as exploring how genetic factors contribute to  disease outcomes or variable drug responses. Data generated from MyAfroDNA’s Biobank will lead to novel insights into health disparities and identification of novel targets that may lead to new therapies for diseases affecting other populations.  Learn more about our areas of focus and bioresources…

Molecular and Blood Testing

We collaborate with medical facilities and physicians interested in deploying molecular diagnostics approaches to investigate various diseases. We provide both molecular and blood testing services to bolster the capacity of local health facilities. Additionally, as part of our commitment to supporting collaborative research projects and ensuring specimens are comprehensively phenotyped, we offer blood chemistry and complete blood count analysis.  

Research Support

We support researchers interested in utilizing cutting-edge genetics and genomics tools to pursue their research questions. Our capabilities span several facets of molecular biology including epigenetics, genetics, genomics, metagenomics, molecular diagnostics, and transcriptomics. Our support in these areas can expand from project design, through experimental work, analysis, and dissemination of results.

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